About this plugin
Add one or multiple RSS feeds to your app. This plugin accepts different types of feeds such as standard RSS Feeds and Media Feeds, and it is compatible with Pinterest, Flickr and other popular sites.
- Main Details
- URLS: accepts a minumum of one (1) and up to three (3) RSS URLs.
- Feed Type: set the type that best describes your Feed, if it is available. In case of doubt leave the default option.
- Cache Time: set the maximum time you want the feed to be stored in cache. The feed will be reloaded using this time interval. (i.e. setting this value to “Once per day” forced the app to fetch new items in the Feed on a daily basis).
- Block Details
- Block Title: Sets the title & button name for this section.
- Icon: Sets a custom icon for the section.
- Advanced Options
- Technical
- Mode: choose between “Current Feed” (the feed will display current items only) or “Acumulative Cache” (the feed will add new entries to a local database, that also contains all past feed elements).
- Single Item: if enabled, the module won’t display a list of all feeds items. Instead, it will redirect users to the first item of the feed, converting the module in a “single-page” item.
- Feed Items: maximum number of items to display.
- Order By: criteria used to sort feed elements.
- Comments: enable or disable user comments.
- Display
- Thumbails: display thumbnails on each feed item (Yes), or only text (No).
- List Style: display feed items in text format (Text), or button format (Button).
- Image on Content: display a header with image (if available) on each feed item, or just the feed content as-is.
- Extra CSS Class: appends a class name to the feed container, allowing additional styling.
- Sources & Licenses
- Link to Source: add a link to the original feed item.
- Link to Source Text: overrides anchor text on link to source.
- Link to Source URL: overrides original source URL.
- Download Content: allows content download when the feed contains images (i.e. Flickr, Pinterest, etc.)
- Show Licence: displays licence information if present in the feed.
- Other
- Autofeed: coming soon.
Coming soon.
Known Issues
Coming soon.