About this plugin
With this plugin you can add easily add Vimeo videos to your app. You can filter videos by search term, username or channel ID.
- Select Videos
- Keyword: Search videos using a keyword term.
- Username: Search videos of a Vimeo user. Compatible with keyword search.
- Channel ID: Search videos within a Vimeo Channel. Compatible with keyword search.
- Display Options
- Comments: Enable or disable comments in videos.
- Items per Page: Number of videos to display on each page.
- Order By: Select the sorting criteria for the query. Accepts the following values: relevant, date, alphabetical, plays, likes, comments, duration.
- Order Direction: Select the sorting direction for the query, ascendant or descendant.
- Block Details
- Block Title: Sets the title & button name for this section.
- Icon: Sets a custom icon for the section.
- Select View: (advanced users only) Sets the view for the plugin content. Accepts the following values: listview, pageview.
Coming soon.
Known Issues
Coming soon.