About this plugin
Add a radio station in your app by filling a simple form. Compatible with Shoutcast, Icecast and Radionomy.
- Main Details
- Radio Station URL:
- Expects:
- IP + PORT (i.e.
- Radionomy URL (i.e. http://listen.radionomy.com/radiomyme-tv).
- Note: to find the IP of your Shoutcast radio station, you can use this tool at Xatworld.
- Expects:
- Radio Default Title: The app will try to autoimport the correct station name automatically. However, you can override this title entering a custom one.
- Style
- Default Radio Image: Default image in the radio player.
- Radio Bg Color: Radio Player background color.
- Radio Bar Color
- Radio Border Color
- Block Details
- Mode:
- Content Block: the plugin will be displayed as a section of the app.
- Display as Home: the plugin will be used as main content of the app. The app will have only one section.
- Block Title: Sets the title & button name for this section.
- Icon: Sets a custom icon for the section.
Coming soon.
Known Issues
Coming soon.